Thoughts On Life

Writing is like the world's oldest profession.First u do it for your own enjoyment.Then u do it for a few friends.Eventually,u figure,what the hell,I might as well get paid for it.I am suppost never to be the last one.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


New Year First Wedding

This picture I taken while I attended a friends' wedding in Yorkshire.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


CGV Stuff

1.Computer Graphics and Visualisation tutorials

2.some cs courses information in comouter science in York University

3.PHP tutorials

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Festival Of Engles

This weekend I attended yearly Festival of Angels. I being a steward to maintain, protect the ice scriptures in case of people scrub them, cutting them, and etc for two days. Actually there is nothing special to do at all, everything went on perpertly. This Saturday was really bad weather, it was raining for whole day. it was so cold, and this is my first time I stand on bare air areas, enjoying raining with snow for so long time, and there were no areas to prevent of water... all in one, it's totally awefuly, horrible, ....

Thursday, December 06, 2007


England Recent History

公元前地中海伊比利亚人,比克人,凯尔特人,先后来到不列颠。公元1-5世纪大不列颠岛东南部为罗马帝国统治。罗马人撤走后,欧洲北部的盎格鲁人、萨克逊人、朱特人相继入侵并定居。7世纪开始形成封建制度,许多小国并成七个王国,争雄达200年之久,史称“盎格鲁—撒克逊时代”。829年威塞克斯国王爱格伯特统一了英格兰。8世纪末遭丹麦人侵袭,1016年至1042年为丹麦海盗帝国的一部分。其后经英王短期统治,1066年诺曼底公爵渡海征服英格兰。1215年约翰王被迫签署大宪章,王权遭抑制。1338年至1453 年英法进行“百年战争”,英国先胜后败。1588年击败西班牙“无敌舰队”,树立海上霸权。英国在1588年英西海战中的胜利,是一次以弱胜强的胜利,它再一次显示了在王权统治下的民族国家的力量。长期处在欧洲主流文明之外的岛国,第一次以强国的姿态向欧洲大陆发出了声音,并迅速进入世界海洋霸权和商业霸权的争夺中心。 1603年,80岁的伊丽莎白一世去世了。为了避免政治联姻伤害国家利益,女王终生未婚,孤独地走完了一生,却留下了一个国力日盛、处于上升态势中的英国。 1640年英国在全球第一个爆发资产阶级革命,成为资产阶级革命的先驱。 1649年1月30日,一个晴朗的冬日,宴会大厅前的广场上,凌晨就聚集了上千位伦敦市民,悲伤、恐惧、兴奋、茫然这些互相矛盾的表情,挂在他们的脸上。在难以控制的焦灼中,他们等待着一场断头的刑罚,受刑的就是被议会宣判为“暴君、杀人犯和国家公敌”的国王查理一世。 1649年5月19日宣布成立共和国。1660年王朝复辟,1688年发生“光荣革命”,确定了君主立宪制。从1588年战胜西班牙的大海战,到1688年的光荣革命,在整整一个世纪的时间里,英国一方面调整内部制度,一方面积极对外扩张。百年时间的积蓄之后,英国人开始释放自己的能量。光荣革命前后的英国,人口大量增长,商业和手工工业迅猛发展,对外贸易成为越来越重要的国计民生。   1707年英格兰与苏格兰合并,1763年,通过英法七年战争,英国才将挡在自己面前的法国和紧跟法国的西班牙暂时搬开。1687年,牛顿出版了自己最著名的著作《自然哲学的数学原理》。1727年,牛顿去世。英国以隆重的国葬仪式将他安葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂,这里一向是王公贵族的墓地,牛顿成为第一个安息在此的科学家。1801年又与爱尔兰合并。18世纪后半叶至19世纪上半叶,成为世界上第一个完成工业革命的国家。1815年,英国人打赢了一场震动世界的战争,英国威灵顿公爵在滑铁卢击败了拿破仑,但是英国,这个地处边缘的小国,却在历史性的转变中抢占了先机,已经率先到达现代文明的入口处,即将一步步稳健地走向世界的中心。19世纪是大英帝国的全盛时期,1914年占有的殖民地比本土大111倍,是第一殖民大国,自称“日不落帝国”。第一次世界大战后开始衰败。英国于1920年设立北爱兰郡,并于1921年至1922年允许爱尔兰南部脱离其统治,成立独立国家。1931年颁布威斯敏斯特法案,被迫承认其自治领在内政、外交上独立自主,大英帝国殖民体系从此动摇。第二次世界大战中经济实力大为削弱,政治地位下降。随着1947年印度和巴基斯坦的相继独立,到60年代,英帝国殖民体系瓦解。1973年1月加入欧共体。   英国是第一、第二次世界大战主要战胜国,故是联合国安理会常任理事国,对议案拥有否决权;英国也是欧盟成员国和北约创始会员国之一。

Monday, November 12, 2007


Sth Interesting.....

A web link
Formal Specification System
Formal Specification System
The Editor List
Php Tutorial

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


A pretty horrible Halloween evening is coming ....

This is my third Halloween Festival in United Kingdom and it looks just as goes ages. Which exactly means that I've get used to standing UK's all sorts of terrible, horrible Festivals gradually. I'm not scared of monsters, vampires, witches, werewolves, ghosts, costums, skeletons... even if occasionally it looks so really blood. Sometimes I even expect it would be a bit much more scaring, ......whatsoever I hope to get some ghostly greetings from friends this year just likes anyone else local citizens do.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I thought people from span a bit more easy going than those other european...

In recently day I met vibrant people from all Europeans, among them I got intriguing feeling about them. British usually looks very understanding, polite and caring, Polish looks nice, friendly but some of them not care about their clothes or appearances, Italian normally very funny, pleasant, romantic and some of them are handsome, Iraqs looks funny, pleasent and entertainment, German looks less a bit of entertainment but trustful and honest, Russian looks a bit nice, friendly and much closer in comparison with others but some of them constantly instant on their ideas although they were wrong. I prefer to get along with spanish whom looks loving, humer, funny, romantic and parts of them looks a bit like stars.

Following is one of my faviouriate Spanish singers,whose songs were and now quite popular in United Kindom and European.

Enriquei glesias


4/16/06 - 4/23/06   5/21/06 - 5/28/06   6/18/06 - 6/25/06   9/3/06 - 9/10/06   10/22/06 - 10/29/06   10/29/06 - 11/5/06   11/12/06 - 11/19/06   12/24/06 - 12/31/06   2/11/07 - 2/18/07   2/25/07 - 3/4/07   4/8/07 - 4/15/07   4/29/07 - 5/6/07   8/12/07 - 8/19/07   8/19/07 - 8/26/07   8/26/07 - 9/2/07   9/2/07 - 9/9/07   9/16/07 - 9/23/07   9/23/07 - 9/30/07   9/30/07 - 10/7/07   10/21/07 - 10/28/07   10/28/07 - 11/4/07   11/11/07 - 11/18/07   12/2/07 - 12/9/07   12/9/07 - 12/16/07   1/27/08 - 2/3/08  

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